Travel Award for international forest conference

Two Travel Awards for postdocs or PhD students consisting of CHF 800 / USD 850 / EUR 700 each will be awarded to attend a forestry related conference from the open access journal Forests,


  • The candidate must be enrolled as a full-time PhD student or a post-doctoral researcher (10 years or less since earning the PhD).
  • The candidate must be registered to attend and present an oral talk or poster at an international forestry conference/congress (e.g., IUFRO, Soil Science Society of America, Society of American Foresters...).

Candidates’ Requirements:

  1. Submit a resume/CV.
  2. The nominee should include a brief summary (one page) of their research interests, accomplishments, and expected benefits from attending the conference/congress.
  3. A letter of support from their supervisor is required and should include:
    • Confirmation that the nominee is a PhD or post-doctoral student, describe the overall strengths of the candidate and eligibility for the travel award; and confirm that they will present an oral talk/poster at the conference.
    • Relevance and expected benefits of the nominee’s attendance at the conference.

4. The entire application package should be submitted as a PDF file.

Please send your applications for these awards to the Forests Editorial Office at by 31 December 2017. The Awards will be granted by the end of February 2018.

more details by

Prof. Dr. Timothy A. Martin

School of Forest Resources and Conservation, PO Box 110410, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611-0410, USA

Forests (ISSN 1999-4907), Impact Factor 1.953 (Q1). For more information please visit our website:

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