Call for abstracts - KMIC 2017

Whatever the environment of the enterprise, the human capital is the most important actor in it. The brain power of the human changed the world and continues to change it. Under increasing competitive pressure, many companies are examining how they can better manage their Knowledge (KM) and their Intellectual Capital (IC). Transition of most developing and developed nations to knowledge economies has resulted in an increasing awareness of knowledge as a success factor for economic growth and performance. Despite increasing importance of knowledge as a factor of production, most accounting systems are still based on the traditional factors of production. While accountants have been trying to determine how to capitalize the knowledge assets in the minds of the human employees, information system designers have been attempting to capture those assets into technology-based databases and programmed logic. In this special track (knowledge management and intellectual capital), we highlight the relation between KM and IC and try to identify how they might create added value and impact the performance of a company. In the context of the eKNOW 2017, taking place from March 19 - 23, 2017  in Nice, France the Ninth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management will take place. The organizers invite you to submit papers to Special track "Knowledge management and intellectual capital (KMIC)"

 Topics of KMIC encompass, but are not limited to:
- Intellectual capital measurements and models
- Intellectual capital mapping
- Intellectual capital and its components (human capital, organizational capital, customer capital, etc.)
- Intellectual capital metrics and indexes (quantitative and qualitative ones)
- Intellectual capital and its impact on company performance
- Knowledge management systems in industrial companies
- Knowledge management processes
- Collaborative tools and collaborative capabilities
- Knowledge management and intellectual capital surveys
- Intellectual capital and accountability in the company
- Intellectual capital statement and reporting
- Datamining to extract knowledge
- Competencies’ management
- Added value of knowledge management and intellectual capital
- Innovative capabilities

For more details, please check out the Submission :

Important Deadlines
- Inform the Chair: As soon as possible
- Submission: January 15
- Notification with comments for camera-ready: February 5
- Registration: February 20
- Camera ready: February 25
Paper Format
- Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:
Dr. Samia Aitouche, University Batna 2, Algeria
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