4th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA)


The 4th SMTDA conference will focus on new trends in theory, applications and software of Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis.

The SMTDA2016 will be held in Valletta, Malta from the 1st to the 4th of June, 2016. SMTDA 2016 is organized by the ASMDA International Society and the University of Malta.

SMTDA main objective is to welcome papers, both theoretical or practical, presenting new techniques and methodologies in the broad area of stochastic modeling and data analysis. An objective is to use the methods proposed for solving real life problems by analyzing the relevant data. Also, the use of recent advances in different fields will be promoted such as for example, new optimization and statistical methods, data warehouse, data mining and knowledge systems, computing-aided decision supports and neural computing.

Particular interest will be given to interesting applications in engineering, productions and services (e.g. planning and control, management and administration, inventory and logistics, environment).

The publications of the conference include:

  1. The Book of Abstracts in Electronic and in Paper form
  2. Electronic Proceedings in CD and in the web in a permanent website
  3. Publications in International Journals
  4. Publications in edited Books

For more information and Abstract/Paper submission and Special Session Proposals please visit the conference website at: http://www.smtda.net/smtda2016.html