Special issue - Data Management in IoT-based Smart Environments

Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm that connects multiple and diverse smart objects via the Internet. Nowadays, this paradigm is receiving a momentous interest in a number of real-life fields including industry, transport, healthcare and smart cities. Interconnected smart objects will then become the major data producers and consumers instead of humans and generate huge amounts of data using their sensors every single second. Such IoT data are inherently uncertain, erroneous and noisy on the one hand, and voluminous, distributed and continuous on the other hand. Nowadays, in the context of IoT-based smart environments, data management constitutes an emergent and hot topic that faces many challenging research tasks. New solutions and revisited existing ones are proposed to address such challenging tasks.

Please, consider publishing your work in a special issue Data Management in IoT-based Smart Environments: Leveraging Computational Intelligence for Decision Making in the Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing.
more information about the special issue https://segcjournal.com/journal/special_detail/701
The tentative deadline is end-January 2022 with a possible extension.
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