Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World

08.19.2015 |
Harald Vacik's picture

From 7-9 July 2015 the conference "Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World" took place in Smokovce, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. The conference provided an opportunity to present and discuss the potentials and limitations of current and possible future approaches to mountain forest management for providing portfolios of ecosystem services under current and future climatic and socio-economic conditions. Organized as an open science conference in collaboration with the IUFRO groups 1.01.05 Mountain forest management & 4.03.03 Information management and information technologies the event brought together 130 participants including international researchers, international mountain forestry stakeholders and ARANGE consortium partners. The invited keynote speakers Bernhard Wolfslehner, Timo Pukkala and Peter Brang provided a conceptual framework for the conference. In total 48 oral and 31 poster presentations provided thought-provoking insights to the topic, whereas several presentations where related to decision support systems for forest management as well:

  • The Use of DSS Optimal for the conditions of Mountains Forests – Case Study by Róbert Marušák, Jan Kašpar
  • A multi-criteria decisio support system for the multifunctional management of forests on enterprise level by Clemens Blattert, Oliver Thees, Renato Lemm
  • Multifunctional forest management: An optimization approach under changing climate conditions by Fabian H. Härtl, Thomas Knoke
  • Value-based trade-offs between ecosystem services from European mountain forests by Alexandra Langner, Florian Irauschek, Susana Perez, Marta Pardos, Tzvetan Zlatanov, Manfred J Lexer
  • Evaluating participatory techniques to develop climate change adaptation plan of action: Nepal case study by Chiranjeewee Khadka, Anju Upadhyaya, Hima. D. Uprety, Keshav Aryal, Pavel Cudlin, Harald Vacik
  • Decision support toolkit for adaptive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in Europe by Brady J. Mattsson, Harald Vacik
  • Decision support tool for multidimensional evaluation of forest road networks and harvesting systems in European mountain forests by Adrian Enache, Martin Kühmaier, Karl Stampfer
  • Site-specific calibration of the forest dynamics model Sibyla in the Czech Republic by Tomáš Čihák, Tomáš Hlásny, Ivan Barka, Róbert Marušák, Marek Fabrika, Jiří Novák, Marian Slodičák

More information can be found at the meeting website

and in the newsletter of IUFRO