Property:Has responsible organisation

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Name of the organisation with the lead responsibility


Pages using the property "Has responsible organisation"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Italy-Analysis of logging residues chain for a sustainable bioenergy production in Alta Val di Non +Eurac research - Fabio Pastorella  +
Italy-Assessing forest functions at stand scale in a sub-regional forest plan in the Dolomites +Comunità Montana Cadore Longaronese Zoldo  +
Italy-ProgettoBosco a data-driven DSS for forest planning: an application in Abruzzo Region +Forest service - Abruzzo Region  +


LEaRNForME.Software +Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura - unità di Ricerca per il Monitoraggio e la Pianificazione Forestale  +


MELA.Software +Finnish Forest Research Institute  +
MONTE.Software +ForEco  +
Monsu.Software +Joen Forest Program Consulting  +
MyTestDSS.Software +BFH-HAFL  +


New Zealand-Modular Forest Management DSS in NZ +Scion  +
NorFor.Software +Norwegian University of Life Sciences  +


OSMOSE.Software +KU Leuven  +
OpTimber-LP.Software +Otimização e Informática Ltda. ME  +


PEB.Software +University of Copenhagen  +
PROTEUS.Software +Danish Forest and Nature Agency  +
PSSis.Software +CEF-ISA  +
PYL.Software +ZEF C: Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Management  +
Portugal-A Decision Support System for eucalypt forest management under climate change scenarios +Instituto Superior de Agronomia  +, Centro de Estudos Florestais  +, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.  +
Portugal-Developing a collaborative management plan for the NIFP in Vale do Sousa +Instituto Superior de Agronomia  +, Centro de Estudos Florestais  +, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.  +
Portugal-Pulpwood Supply Chain Planning in a Portuguese integrated Pulp and Paper Company +CEF-ISA  +
Portugal-Supporting a multi stakeholders decision process in a Portuguese National Forest +Instituto Superior de Agronomia  +, Centro de Estudos Florestais  +, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.  +
Portugal-Tactical/operational forest planning in a Portuguese integrated Pulp and Paper Company +CEF-ISA  +


RPF.Software +NeuroForest  +


SGIS.Software +Norwegian University of Life Sciences  +
SIMO.Software +Simosol Oy  +
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