Property:Has domain

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Pages using the property "Has domain"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Pareto Frontier Techniques are useful for multi-criteria forest management planning +Models and methods  +, User interface and outputs  +
Plan the system architecture based on a broad view of future possibilities +Project management  +, Architecture  +
Projection of stand development increases knowledge base +Knowledge management  +, Models and methods  +
Provide a simple version of the DSS, which new users can try out and learn quickly +Architecture  +, Data and data management  +
Provide missing help-documentation service +Documentation and training  +, Installation/maintenance and support  +, Application of the DSS  +
Provide procedures and structure for complete data flow +Architecture  +, Data and data management  +
Providing procedures and structure for data flow from selection of field sample, performing field +Architecture  +, Data and data management  +, Project management  +


Regular ongoing engagement helped maintain interest of users +Knowledge management  +, Participation  +
Requirement of specialized skills can discourage some potential users +Data and data management  +, Documentation and training  +
Results are always strongly dependent on the quality of the underlying data +Data and data management  +, Knowledge management  +, Models and methods  +
Running the DSS required special skills, therefore the local planning team required considerable +Documentation and training  +


SIPAFIT can act sometimes as a referee to settle arguments among experts, users and stakeholders +Data and data management  +, Knowledge management  +, Participation  +
SIPAFIT sub-systems have been useful in training activities, and can be very useful to explain and +Data and data management  +, Documentation and training  +, Knowledge management  +
Spatial variation between regions led to the development of different regional models, which led to +Architecture  +, Participation  +
Stakeholders contribution in ranking forest functions +Knowledge management  +, Participation  +
Students studying forest management planning procedures and processes were very useful product testers +Participation  +, Project management  +


The DSS gave the forest manager the opportunity to experiment how their emphasis towards certain +Participation  +
The DSS models built must match the knowledge of the local forest managers, so the ability for local +Architecture  +, Knowledge management  +, User interface and outputs  +,
The DSS usage enabled the planning team to measure the achievement of the restoration goals +Knowledge management  +, Project management  +
The ProgettoBosco working methodology, based on cooperation, successive approximations and +Participation  +
The activation of an iterative process through periodical meetings permitted to all the stakeholders +Participation  +
The adoption of the collaborative learning method made possible to gradually select the conceptual +Participation  +, Architecture  +
The choice to develop the system in an Excel environment was based on the status of computer +Architecture  +, Installation/maintenance and support  +, User interface and outputs  +
The definition of standardized and specific criteria for selecting and zoning forest compartment +Data and data management  +, Models and methods  +
The development of large and enduring systems requires a long term approach +Documentation and training  +, Installation/maintenance and support  +, Project management  +
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