Property:Has typical use case

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examples; how many forest fires can be handled simultaneously,how many timber trucks can be routed, maximum number of stands planned in one run

Pages using the property "Has typical use case"

Showing 11 pages using this property.

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SADfLOR web-based +Forest Management Plans, Research  +
SGIS +Research, consultancy commissions, practical forest planning  +
SILVAH +Silviculturists practicing at the stand scale within larger enterprise, either public or private  +
SIMFLOR +Forest Management Plans, UG's definition, Stand Characterization, Research  +
SIPAFIT +one forest stand managed at a time  +
SifPlan +Revenue maximization in long term forest planning scenario  +
Sim4Tree +Support at multiple spatio-temporal scales, for forest managers and policy planners  +


ToSIA +any baseline-scenario case  +


VDDT-Path +Projection of vegetation conditions under different management options or natural conditions  +


WDS +how many timber trucks can be routed  +


YAFO +Forest management planning on enterprise level  +
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