Property:Has consequences

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This is a property of type Text.

How is this statement justified in terms of consequences to be expected

Pages using the property "Has consequences"

Showing 10 pages using this property.

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The definition of standardized and specific criteria for selecting and zoning forest compartment +It allows to manage the heterogeneity of different forests and of forest technicians involved  +
The development of large and enduring systems requires a long term approach +Many suggestions for improvements come from long term usage of the system.  +
The fact that ProgettoBosco is conceived according to the criteria and indicators of sustainable +It assures that a plan obtains a preliminary step on certification process  +
The tracing of the actor network supported the identification of the key actors influencing the collaborative DSS implementation and institutionalization +It is important to have this understanding so that it is anticipated what it takes to change a stable network of actors ensembled in the current planning process to a new stable network and hence institutionalize the new DSS technologies  +
The tracing of the current actor network interactions made the group realize that they need a different kind of stakeholders from what they previously thought +Although this realization made it more difficult to develop the DSS and held it back a bit, eventually also the realization of who are not the most relevant stakeholders was a necessary step in the development process  +
The very easy user-friendly interface of the software and the clearness of method can be exploited +It makes the system suitable both for technical personnel and for forest decision makers  +


Users preferred enhanced functionality rather than useability +User responsibility for the inputs and implication encouraged professional use.  +
Using Actor Network Theory in the design stage can help in understanding the dynamism of the network +Studying an ongoing process avoids backwards tracing and thus facilitates the analyst.  +


Visualization of the preliminary actor network made the people explicity include the DSS in a planning process +Now the DSS technology gets, by means of a shared document, explicitly embedded in the existing planning and evaluation process.  +
Voting approaches can successfully be applied to participatory planning of forestry +Ability to deal with ordinal preferences of decision makers and ordinal evaluation data on alternatives, comprehensive and easy to interpret, making the decision support process transparent and quick to implement even with large groups of people.  +
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