Case Study Ideas

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This is a page where anyone can add ideas for potential case studies.

There are also cases being proposed in conjunction with STSMs, please see the Category:STSM_Opportunity page.



  • The use of EMDS in the assessment of spotted owl disperal habitat for the state of Washington, USA (personal experience and contacts of Sean Gordon)
  • Reynolds, K.M., P.F. Hessburg, R.E. Keane, and J.P. Menakis. 2009. Allocating fuel-treatment budgets: recent federal experience with decision support. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 2373–2381. PDF
  • Various other EMDS possibilities on Wikipedia

By Topic

Conduct a review of DSS applications for the following topics:

  • Comparing DSS for Fire management

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  • Comparing DSS for utilization of forest resources for energy use
  • Comparing DSS for Sustainable Forest Management

Climate Change

  • Comparing DSS for adapting forest management under CC

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  • To identify computer based KM tools which support the processes of knowledge identification and generation, knowledge storage and transfer in the context of the topic identifying adaption strategies for Climate change.

Knowledge Management

  • To consider common issues of participation processes and Knowledge Management processes in DSS approaches for the formulation of the FORSYS guidelines
  • Gap analysis for identifying the KM techniques applied in developing DSS and proposing those which could be used
  • Gap analysis for identifying KM techniques currently implemented in DSS based on the documentation in the CR