Category:STSM Opportunity

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Revision as of 02:18, 15 November 2011 by SeanGordon (Talk | contribs)

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Hosting Institutions: Submit an opportunity for a STSM

In our Leuven meeting we identified the need for more STSMs for doing case studies as well as other work. Please consider if you could be an STSM host, and if you can, please prepare a short description of potential STSM activities. We will post these on the wiki to help potential STSM applicants.

In order to serve the Dec 21 STSM deadline, we need these descriptions as soon as possible. Please try to enter them by Nov 18 (or as soon as possible).

Enter your opportunity directly into the wiki

Use the STSM Opportunity form to enter you opportunity.

This category uses the form STSM Opportunity.